Throughout the quarter, students were asked to maintain and eventually bind a collection of daily sketches, writings and miscellaneous ideas, captured in the spur of the moment as a representational 'codex' to effectively journal the progress of the eleven weeks. The construction of the codex, a personal favorite format of the professor, is an expression of design in and of itself. The unusual style of binding is multifunctional, allowing different modes of view from standing to laid flat, and allows for the spreads to be experienced in a manner which is not like typical print media. To further tie the project together, I chose to title it 'Tiny Dots', an expression inspired by song lyrics which describes the various happenings of life as a series of miniscule points on an endless timeline. Experienced alone, they are small and insignificant, but compressed into an amalgamate, memories serve their ultimate purpose in the human psyche, reinforcing ideals, morals, feelings, and even a sense of personality itself. The introduction of the codex offers both the writer and reader an novel interactive experience which transcends some of the limitations of ordinary print, behaving more like a collection of memories than a more coherent artifice of sequenced expression.