



The winter quarter began with a short tangiential exercise in collage, which was then refracted through the lens of architectural analysis. Early practice took place with 12"x12" compositions assembled from printouts of currency. From there, students began to explore the metaphysical ramifications of overlaying collage elements over the contours of the site which was assigned to them for the quarter. The site, existing at Hearst Memorial State Beach in San Simeon, CA, serves as an important reminder of the intersections of culture which have graced the central coast over the years. Analysis involved juxtaposing axes which served to represent the influence of the indigenous Chumash, the early whaling use of the site, and the current pier and San Simeon road which intersect with the site. Elements pertaining to marine life (and particularly cetaceans) were overlayed with Chumash and architectural visuals to create the composite drawing above. Throughout my preliminary site analysis, I focused on the concept of rust, especially interested in the way history often manifests itself as a series of destructive processes which serve to degrade rather than preserve like architecture should.


Copyright © Moises De La Cruz